Web Developer + Interdisciplinary Artist

Stack: React, Node, Express, Python, MongoDB, SQL

Radio Browser - React Native

This React Native application uses the Expo Audio library to handle controls for a web based radio player.

These are the stations I find myself visiting most often. This is the product of imagining a simplified way listening for listening to independent radio on the web.

Nobel Prize App - React Native

This React Native application uses the Nobel Prize API to explore the history of awards and their recipients.

The application is divded into two stacks: Prizes and Laureates. Laureates sorts the awards alphabetically by recipients first name. Prizes is organized by category, and then listed by year.

Video Converter App - Electron

Electron is a framework used for building cross platform applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

This application uploads video files, converts the file type, tracks progress with loading bar.

Movie List App - React

This React application uses the OMDb API to search the online movie database.

Users can add / remove movies to their favourites list. This information is saved in the web browser's local storage so your favourites are remembered even if you close the website.

Network Scanner - Python

This Python program is a network scanner that allows a user to choose between two scanning modes: ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) or TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).

In the ICMP mode, the program sends ICMP echo requests (commonly known as pings) to a range of IP addresses. In the TCP mode, the program scans a specific IP address for open ports.

Logfile Parser - Python

This Python program analyzes log entries from a file. It does the following:

Reads log entries from a file and extracts information like timestamps, hostnames, components, actions, process IDs, and messages.

Counts and displays the top three most common components mentioned in the log entries.

Classifies log entries into "Working Hours" or "After Hours" based on their timestamps.

Creates a plot that visualizes the usage of the top three components during working hours and after hours.

Sticky Notes App - React

This React app allows users to create and delete sticky note text messages.

Users can also search notes for keywords and toggle night mode on and off.

Web Socket Chap App - JavaScript

This web app uses web sockets to allow users to connect, disconnect, send and receive messages.